Love variety and adventure? Become an Oxfam steward at ArcTanGent and you’ll play a rewarding role in making sure the festival runs smoothly, while helping raise money for Oxfam. For every shift you work you raise enough money for Oxfam to provide clean water to 8 people for 1 year.
There are many different aspects to being an Oxfam steward. Stewards are the eyes and ears of a festival and play an important part in ensuring the public are staying safe and enjoying themselves.
We ask you to do two shifts with each shift being eight and a quarter hours long. You will be provided with one meal token for each shift you complete and have access to the Oxfam campsite and VIP showers.
What will you be doing?
Our role is different at every festival – here are some examples of what you might be expected to do as an Oxfam steward:
Checking tickets, wristbanding customers, checking wristbands, managing queues, welcoming excited people to the festival, reporting any problems to Event Control including security issues, hazards, infrastructure problems, fires and any other issues.
Our operation is run entirely by volunteers on the ground at festivals, with more experienced volunteers supervising teams of stewards, or even running the shift from our control (The Oxbox). If you’re interested in supervising, make sure you tick the ‘supervisor’ box and let us know about your experience on the application.
All the details can be found on the Oxfam website: to apply
Head to the Oxfam website here:
Select the ‘Login’ button on the website and create an account:
Public applications open February 4th 2020 and after then you can choose your festival(s) and pay the deposit, then your place is reserved. The deposit is equal to the festival ticket price and is returned to you 6 weeks after your last Oxfam festival of the year.
Once you have completed each section of your profile, provided a referee’s details and attended a training session then your place is confirmed and you can start getting excited for your summer of festivals!
You need to be 18+ on the first day you are expected at the festival. You need to have the right to volunteer in the UK. We try to be all inclusive and provide reasonable adjustments for anyone who is differently abled and welcome everyone to apply with us. Please see our Information pages on our website to find out more: