Each player is dealt 9 cards in total: 3 face-down cards (blind cards), 3 face-up cards on top of the blind cards and 3 hand cards. Cards should be dealt by going clockwise around the players, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. The blind cards are the last cards in the game to be played and players are not allowed to see or change these cards until the very end of the game when they remain the only cards.
The face-up cards will be the second to last set of cards to be played in the game, just before the blind cards. After the cards have been dealt, and prior to the game commencing, players are allowed to switch their hand cards with their face-up cards to create a strong set of face-up cards for use later in the game.

The beginning player is the person who holds the 4 of clubs. If the 4 of clubs in not in play, then the first person in (clockwise game play direction) – Starting we play 4♣️ first, if you don’t have that then it’s the 4♥️ then 4♠️ then 4♦️. Then move on to 5. If no player has a 4 in hand, the game is started with a 5; if no 5, then a 6, and so on. The second player must then place an equal or higher card (in numerical value) than the card played previously, this card is to be put on top of the play pile. All subsequent players are then to follow this rule. Once a card has been laid, the player must draw a card from the deck, ensuring that player has at least 3 cards in their hands at all times, unless the deck has run out of cards. The game continues sequentially in a clockwise direction unless a wildcard/power card is played.
Power card: Can be played on any card. Any card can be played to follow a two.
Power card – Can be played on any card. Once three has been played, the next person due to play their card misses their turn. Play resumes from the player after the one who has missed a go.
Starts the game – otherwise played sequentially
Played sequentially but changes the direction of gameplay
Played sequentially – must be higher than the previous card (unless played immediately after a 7)
Played sequentially – next player must play lower than a 7
Power card (“see-through” card) which can be played on any card. The next player must play to the card laid before the 8
Played sequentially – must be higher than the previous card played
Power card – Can be played on any card; burns the deck – When a ten is played, the discard pile is immediately “burned” (removed from play) and the same player takes another turn, playing any card or set to begin a new discard pile.
Played sequentially – must be higher than the previous card played
Played sequentially – must be higher than the previous card played
Played sequentially – must be higher than the previous card played
Played sequentially – must be higher than the previous card played
Select a person to pick up the deck of cards in the middle of game play. This can be countered with another Joker by selecting another person to pick up the cards.
If a player is able to place four cards with the same numerical value (e.g. 5♦ 5♣ 5♥ 5♠ or 8♥ 8♦ 8♠ 8♣), this burns the discards in the same manner as a ten. Burning can also happen across multiple players’ turns: for example, if a player first plays 5♥ 5♦ 5♠ and the next player in turn has the 5♣, they can drop that card to finish the set and burn the play pile. The player who burns the pile must then play another card after.
When a player has no wildcards and no single card that is equal or higher in value than the card on top of the play pile, they must pick up all the cards on the play pile and end their turn. The person who picks up the cards also restarts the game by playing their card(s) of choice. Picking up the pile can often put a player at a great disadvantage when many cards have been played, as they will have more cards to shed than other players. Even so, it is still possible to quickly recover from this handicap by burning the pile. Groups of four cards of the same numerical value can be played one after another in order to facilitate a quick reduction in the number of cards held.
After a player has no more cards in their hand, and the deck is empty, they need to play from their three face-up cards. They cannot play from this set of cards until they have finished with their hand. Following the rule: the value of the face-up card must be higher than the value of the card on the top of the pile, if a player cannot play the face-up card, then they must pick up the pile. Once all of the face-up cards have been played, a player must then play their blind cards. These cards are played one at a time, without the player knowing the card until the moment it is played. As usual, if the chosen card is lower than the previous card played, they need to pick up the pile, and are required to play their entire hand again before progressing to the rest of their face-down cards. Included in the cards you pick up will be the face-up or blind card that did not beat the deck.
After a player has no cards left, they are out. A player who has managed to get rid of all of their cards can be brought back into the game with the use of a Joker card. The game progresses until only one player is left. The final player left in the game is known as the “shithead”.